A short history:
‘I love experimenting with sound and making mind expanding music. I’ve worked with synthesizers and organs for a long time. At some point I taught myself to play the electric guitar. I built a nice home studio and learned how to produce. I made a lot of different electronic albums, because that was my main focus. Above all, I was searching for my own sound. Meanwhile my guitar skills were improving and I started to integrate that with the electronic. I made a couple of instrumental albums focused on the electric space guitar. So there was this natural development going on, eventually leading to Astral Son, after some trial and error’.

Instruments used on the albums: Electric guitar, bass, acoustic & electro acoustic guitars, transistor organs, synthesizers, vocals, programmed drums, Indian harmonium, electric tanpoura, tabla, mridangam, assorted percussion ( tambourines, egg shakers, cymbals, cowbell, small bells and chains), found sounds.
All artwork painted by Astral Son.
By Time Lord Michalis for Timemazine Summer of Love edition, 2017.