Mythos (LP Headspin Records, Download, 2023)
LP 100 Black, 200 clear green

“Fantastic! The ghost of a late ’60s, early ’70s Pink Floyd is all over the album! Absolutely trippy!! ~ Timemazine.
After a five year hiatus solo artist Astral Son returns with the neo-psychedelic treasure trove, Mythos. Eight surrealistic sound-paintings, sprinkled with kraut, acid-folk and electronic flavours. Mythos is a free flowing, blooming, ever expanding, multi-layered listening experience. Tapping into the mysterious sounds of the late sixties and early seventies, each song is a world of its own, reaching out for far regions of the mind, dissolving time and space…
Composed, performed, produced & artwork by Astral Son.
Mastering Michiel Cornelisse.
Vinyl edition 200 coloured/100 black by Headspin Records.
Wonderful Beyond (LP/CD Headspin Records/Sulatron Records, Download, 2018)
LP 200 black, 300 clear/blue / CD 500

“…this Psychedelicious Intoxicated Dream-Like Supra-delic Topnotch Space-Rock flavored Colorful piece of Musical Art! “
TimeLord Michalis.
Multi instrumentalist Astral Son decided to spend one year for ‘Wonderful Beyond’ to evolve and grow. Pursuing his path of space rock, acid folk, seventies electronics and etheric eastern vibes, he managed to create an authentic new album. A warm tapestry of sound with songs that flow into one another, creating a dreamlike state. Reaching out to the sheer beauty of the psychedelic experience and colourful surrealistic visions. ‘Wonderful Beyond’ is the follow up of the incredible trilogy ‘Gurumaya’, ‘Silver Moon’ & ‘Mind’s Eye’. In this album you will find many connections to the trilogy and way beyond.
The music wasn’t mastered for loudness. Turn it up with your volume dial!
Composed, performed, produced & artwork by Astral Son.
Mastering Michiel Cornelisse.
Vinyl by Headspin Records, limited edition; 200 black, 300 clear/blue.
CD by Sulatron Records, with bonus track ‘Quiet Love’.
Introducing the Astral Son Trilogy:
Gurumaya, Silver Moon and Mind’s Eye.

Mind’s Eye (LP/CD Headspin Records/Sulatron Records, Download, 2016)
LP 250 black, 250 yellow/green marbled / CD 500

The third Astral Son album is a caleidoscopic blend of space and kraut rock, psychedelia as well as electronics. It is full of cosmic soundscapes, progressing into psychedelic tracks with plenty of far-out elements. ‘Mind’s Eye’ is the final album of a trilogy together with previous albums ‘Gurumaya’ and ‘Silver Moon’.
Composed, performed, produced & artwork by Astral Son.
Mastering Michiel Cornelisse.
Limited to 250 copies on yellow/blue mixed vinyl and 250 copies on black vinyl by Headspin Records.
CD by Sulatron Records.
Silver Moon (LP/CD Headspin Records/Sulatron Records, Download 2015)
LP 200 black, 150 blue marbled /150 silver marbled / CD 500

Second album and follow up to the highly regarded debut ‘Gurumaya’ by Dutch psych and space master Astral Son. One listens to ‘Silver Moon’ as a concept album with beautiful well constructed psychedelic songs blending into each other…
“A colourful soundscape like a fleet-footed dancing monument made of warm-hearted acoustic poetry invites the listener into a colourful world. ‘Silver Moon’ is a concept album full of wonderful songs blending into each other, making the album come across like a complete work, a psychedelic stage play – pictorial and enchanted. This work’s hallucinogenic atmosphere is accentuated by ’60s influences from the likes of Gong and early Pink Floyd”. (Sulatron Records)
Composed, performed & produced by Astral Son.
Mastering by Michiel Cornelisse.
Limited to 150 copies on blue/white/black marbled vinyl, 150 copies on silver/black marbled vinyl and 200 copies on black vinyl by Headspin Records.
Released on CD at Sulatron records.
Gurumaya ( LP Headspin Records, Download, 2014)
LP 300 black, 200 orange marbled / CD 500
Reissue LP 100 black/ 100 orange marbled

ASTRAL SON, the psychedelic side-project of Leonardo, musician and painting artist from Groningen, Holland. Get ready for some psychedelic tunes! With the Electric space guitar as his main instrument and the psychedelic 70’s era as his main and infinite source of inspiration Leonardo went on a little journey….Coming from an electronic music background, spending many years twisting buttons on synthesizers, just to hear the sounds, he found a new instrument….The electric space guitar. What you get here is psychedelic song based space rock larded with krautrock and electronic sounds. One man band ‘Astral Son’ plays electric and bass guitar, electro acoustic guitar, synthesizers, organs, voice and percussion…..and draws his influences from Gong, Ashra Tempel, Pink Floyd, Hawkwind, Brainticket, and not to forget.. The Beatles….. Limited 300 copies black vinyl and 200 copies colored vinyl by Headspin Records.
Composed, performed & produced by Astral Son.
Mastering by Rinus Hooning.